Projekt avslutat

EDURegio: Digital Regions for Education

EDURegio var ett uppföljningsprojekt till Future Classroom Lab Regio, ett strategiskt samarbete mellan regionala utbildningsområden och European Schoolnet.

Syfte och mål

Målet med EduRegio var att stärka skolor, elever och lärares kompetens inom digitalisering och uppmuntra till att vara aktiva och innovativa inom området.

Projektet var även ett strategiskt partnerskap kring kunskapsutbyte – exempelvis genom de lärandescenarios som togs fram i projektet– och syftade även till att öka medvetenhet kring de regionala dimensionerna av utbildning och digitalisering inom EU.


Projektet finansieras av Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


Under projektets gång togs följande dokument fram:

3.0.0 School and Classroom Kits: Policy brief recommendations

This chapter of the Kit includes a reflection by the regions involved in the project on their work in the field of digital education. The regions of Catalonia (Spain), Coimbra (Portugal), Göteborg (Sweden) and Trento (Italy) reflect on their work to date on digital skills and digital education and draw conclusions for future policy implementations and work at regional level.

3.0.1 School and Classroom Kits: Classroom Kits

In this chapter, ICT implementation at classroom level is discussed. The chapter includes reflection on matching pedagogically meaningful content with ICT resources, as well as a reflection on digital education resources in inquiry-based learning. This part of the Kit offers guidelines on how to plan a learning unit with the support of technology, on educational resources for inclusive education and on distance education, among other topics.

3.0.2 School and Classroom Kits: Actions for Schools

This chapter aims to support schools in developing ICT infrastructure and in integrating digital skills in the curricula. The chapter includes a reflection on teachers' skills, ICT-supported learning, and ICT infrastructure. As well, the chapter includes an overview of how to better integrate coding and computational thinking into school curricula, focusing on robotics in primary education as example, and in the EU Code Week initiative as a resource.

3.0.3 School and Classroom Kits: Hackathons for Schools

This chapter aims to support school leaders in implementing innovative pedagogical approaches to teaching digital skills. The chapter includes a reflection on collaborative learning, design thinking and transnational collaboration. As well, the chapter includes practical guideline son how to organise Coding Jams and EduHackathons.


I korthet


2019-10-01 – 2021-09-30

GR:s roll



Projektet koordineras av Generalitat de Cataluña (Spanien), tillsammans med European Schoolnet (Belgium)


Göteborgsregionen (GR), Junta Castilla y León (Spanien), Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Italien), Comunidade Intermunicipal da Regiao de Coimbra (Portugal).

Projektets egen webbplats

EDURegio Länk till annan webbplats.
