The Gothenburg Region (GR)
The Gothenburg Region (GR) is a co-operative organisation uniting thirteen municipalities in western Sweden. The task of the association is to promote co-operation over municipal borders and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and experience within the region.
GR focuses on such issues as: regional planning, environment, traffic, job market, welfare and social services, competence development, education, and research.
GR contributes towards long-term sustainable development in the member municipalities. Such development covers three basic and mutually dependent dimensions – the social, the ecological and the financial. It can also be described as civic power, carrying capacity and competitiveness.
GR works closely with Business Region Göteborg External link. , which is the common resource for trade and commerce issues in the region.
Member municipalities
The Board consists of representatives from each municipal executive board. Combined, the population of the member municipalities is about 1 million. The member municipalities are:
1. Ale External link.
2. Alingsås External link.
3. Göteborg External link.
4. Härryda External link.
5. Kungsbacka External link.
6. Kungälv External link.
7. Lerum External link.
8. Lilla Edet External link.
9. Mölndal External link.
10. Partille External link.
11. Stenungsund External link.
12. Tjörn External link.
13. Öckerö External link.
GR is financed partly through annual membership fees from the member municipalities but mainly through income from conference and training arrangements, investigations, and other joint-usership savings for the member municipalities.
